Discussions (220)

My Mystery Piece - ID Help?

I purchased this wonderful necklace, and I have no idea what the writing or decorations are on the 3 silver pieces. I tested what metal parts I could without damaging it and it is a very high content of silver - the one reason I think I was able to g

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2 Replies
Views: 116

who invent this?

  i  have  sold  two  of  this  kind  of   bag,all  of them  i   find  in  morocco .they  both  made by  some old   cheap items .whatever  they  r   beatiful  and   lovely.i  just wanna  know  who   invent  this  kind of  bag.by berber  or    Europea

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6 Replies
Views: 71


Hello and thank you for the many enlightened opinions.          I have found this set of fibules and I had doubts about his OLDNESS , before negotiation I wanted your opinion on the matter.
We are a good team of detectives!

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1 Reply
Views: 40
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