Discussions (220)

a new finding

  i  do  some  reserch  in a  little  village in china  Guizhou.i  got  these  lovely  earrings from  a  kind  of hmong  we  called  black  hmong. but they  r   a  little  broken,whatever,i  love their  shape  (which  is  a  symbol  of  ox horn) and 

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Views: 81

Photos from the Internet

 there are members who search their photos in the Internet and load them on Ethnic , as if these  were their own.  Like this, everyone could search for hundreds of beautiful Jewellery photos by someone else in the Interrnet and put them on Ethnic - i

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3 Replies
Views: 137

Site issues

There have been some technical issues on the site, which may continue due to a Ning tech department issue for the next 24 hours. I have contacted support and they are aware of the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience Please bear with us Thanks Sara

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Views: 45

Berber bracelet

I uploaded this Berber bracelet because I think it may be an example of something that is maybe not the best quality but not a tourist trinket either because of the interesting pattern inside. It seems very personal, maybe done to protect the wearer

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Views: 134

Desert Silver

Question: if you bought Desert Silver, through what channels did you buy it (bookstore, Amazon, publisher, other routing?) and were you happy with the service provided? The publisher is always looking to improve distribution, so please feel free to c

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Views: 55

For Son of Hmong

I believe that this member recently asked where he could purchase a variety of Moroccan crosses. Lo and behold an ebay auction featuring just such items.$_57.JPGtry auctions under goldeneye in ebay if you are interested in this, Son of Hmong.

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Views: 33
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