
  • Possibly older pieces but newly put together.  I'd have to see them in person to decide.

  • lol.thax  u  guys  a lot~and  i wanna knw  this is  old one  or  new  made?2506013057?profile=original2506013092?profile=original

  • On the other hand, this could be Afghan from the Hazara, they also use a lot of bird motifs and very often in niello.

  • 2506015504?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Here is the same motif on an Uzbek headdres.

  • This is interesting. I have an Uzbek headdress and this bird motif was part of the embellishment. So, I would say Uzbekistan.

  • I'd say Afghanistan, but the bird motif like these are also found in Uzbek work.  It looks as though it is a newer piece.

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