A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.
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A show of different size and types of fertility necklaces of EThiopia. Good silver.
Lovely, Ingrid!
These are super Ingrid - it is lovely to see them in their original condition, and how they are threaded. They are in great condition too. Are the bottom ones solid silver? And are the red beads resin?
Hi Charlotte, Thank you, they are all good silver. it are actually tubes bend and soldered the bottom blubs which I think they are like a bead no seams and than the 3 granulate balls added solid. They have a pleasant weight to them. And I love the bottom one because they feel so soft and good. They all are old from about 1930 onwards. They started out with 3 granulates on the top as well as can be clearly seen on top and middle necklace (very emphasised. The bottom one has been worn as to a fusion. Lovely. Gr. Ingrid.
They (as most of the beaded items in Ethiopia are strung on twines of cotton. which they role between their hands, later with the body crease and the oils it has become quite durable but does fringe after while and than they restrung them themselves.
Charlotte the red beads are glass beads from Tjechie. (Bohemian) They have been made in different sizes. In Ethiopia they call them also Turkana beads because as they are and were very popular amongst the Turkana people. I love them also with the Telsums.
wonderful items, you still surprise us with Pictures of other pieces! what a splendour of Beauty.
Thank you Eva. It was fun during my collecting time.