A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

Tuareg cuff

About 15 years old. Diameter, 60mm, height 50mm. Niger, Koumama family, from Niger.
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  • Hi, I am wearing one that is almost equal to this!!! I bought it about 5 years ago from a jewellery dealer in Germany. Height also 5 cm, it was new when I bought it. It is from the NIger.
  • Could be longer than 5 years, I don't remember. But it is  very similar to this one, same style,only small variations. The seller from whom I got it, buys his stuff in the NIger Republic (Koumama family).

  • Sorry that I comment 3times, but I had to go back to my pictures and check again. You will see my similar bracelet on the photo named "The result of red Henna" among my pictures. Please have a look, there are small variations, but very small! 
  • Amazing! These bracelets look like they could have been made by the same person, if not in the same workshop! Certainly mine must also be from the Koumama family in Niger. I it mine from a woman who said she bought it from a dealer in New Mexico, 15 years ago. Thanks for the detailed history. I love the precise design and craftsmanship.
  • I love your rings in the red henna picture!
  • Thank you, back again. It is really amazing that you bought your bracelet in New Mexico so long ago! Wow, the world is small!!! The rings - the one near my wedding band is a gift from my Malian mother-in-law (style Mauritanian (many Mauritanians live in northern Mali or cross the border for commerce), the other one is from the Niger (Tuareg) and contains tiny stones (to rattle a little when shaken, but very little)..
  • You're are lucky to have such a personal connection to this beautiful jewellry! Your knowledge of the Koumama family confirms the bracelet must be from them. I googled and found their website, http://www.tuaregjewelry.com/ and now I see Sarah has linked to their video right on the front page!
  • Hi Suzan, thank you for the link, which I did not know. But I know the man on the picture (not personally, but from books!!!). I recognized the photo at once, have to search in my personal library, I forgot which book it was. If I find out (it is in German anyway), and if it is interesting, I will post a note. Smile.
  • Hi Suzan, I found the book, it is, as I feared, in German. It is called "Die Enkel der Echse" (the grandchildren of the saurian) by Désirée von Trotha, published 1998. It will not help you to know the title, but as I said, I would name it, here it is. It is strange how one remembers faces..
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