A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.
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Another beauty from the Tiskiwin from the collection of Bert Flint.
Yes, that is really beautiful.
Who is Bert Flint??
RE Bert Flint
He is an anthropologist and scholar who has a collection on show in Marrakech
I shall add a link to his website.
Comment by ayis1 hour ago Delete Comment
His museum is called " dar tiskiwin" one a of a kind museum with jewelry, tewtiles, leather, pottery..... from all over morocco but also from the sahara and the sahel, a museum that stresses on the solid ties between morocco and saharan and subsaharan african on the artifact level.
The collection is private but i think it was donated by bert to marrakech university, a very noble move.
Bert is a friend of mine,
I am currently working on the translation of his book.
His studies and his collection are outstanding.
We visit him and his collection during the Marrakech tours.
Thanks alot Sarah!
Love the simplicity of these niello designs!