A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

One days shopping Tiznit 2006!

I hope this doesn't come across as greedy!! I was once truly obsessive, I have tamed myself a little now...that and the fact that I think it would be impossible to find this quantity varieety in Tiznit now.
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  • Wow, see some very nice items there, must have cost you a fortune!!
  • Oh.. Yes! (I show this picture to my husband..)
  • I think I see the old man's coral in the upper right hand corner -- and what a plethora of headdress pendants and hamsas -- that must have been one fun day
  • Hi patti, I popped a few strands of the coral onto the table... there was a box full of it !

  • The Khal khal on the left is the one which I gave to Sean as an engagement gift x
  • this leaves me almost speechless! Can I ask a question (which has nothing to do with the items on the photos) - if an object is indicated as "belly dancer item", does this mean the piece is of minor quality? (Sorry to ask this, but I really don't know). I have seen it several times now, and I would like to know what it means.  Thanks for explanations..
  • Hi Eva,

    I sell a lot of pieces to dancers, so I often use the term to attract them to an auction sale. It has no bearing on the quality.

    S x

  • Hi Eva and Sarah,

    Alot of Ebay sellers use the term "belly dancer items" also to indicate an item is not very old or made of silver.  So Eva always ask if you are not sure before you bid.

    M-A :)

  • @Thanks for your answers Sarah and Marie-Ange. Kind regards, Eva
  • Ohhh...I am so going to dream about this photograph tonight. Fantastic!!
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