A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

lybian ethnic shop

Here many designs for un old lybian silver jewels.
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  • How wonderful, is this your shop?

  • Oh, this is splendid indeed!  It's so refreshing to see almost entirely Libyan items as apposed to the hodgepodge of items from around the world that one usually finds in cities more visited by tourists.

  • Hi Kmena,

    Very nice display. Are they all new and shiny or is there any old ones?

  • A striking exhibition of metal arts.

  •  Hi every body.This shop here in tripoli  ther are anather shops here but this   is themost .there  are many piecies so old.and butiful.

  • Nice to see a real shop of jewelry that is traditional and of the place. I didn't think these existed much but then Lybia has not been well touristed yet.  Who are the clients for this there? Do people buy old things like this in Lybia or do some tourists from other close countries get in and buy? I have no idea about this place especially now that there is this break in government. Should be interesting to see what happens.

  • I would love to have a look in this shop! So much to see. There seems to be a nice museum in Tripoli

    ( but I am not sure if it is in that town) I have some photo's of the jewelry that is shown there and that also makes one want  to go and see all the beautiful items shown there. Well, may be one day.

  • Hello again harald.this shop realy exist in theold city market in tripoli behind septemous sepherous arch.

    realy it is alittle amousium.whom ivist time by time.you are wecomed to libya.be my guest.....

  • Thank you Kmena!

  • Such a house of treasure, truly! 

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