A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.
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I am placing these bracelets in order to show that items referring back to the nomadic people RashAida are on this site always referred to as Yemeni, while most of the RashAida people dwell in Eritrea, a smaller part in Ethiopia and Sudan and few in Yemen. Also If you want to know more about them please just write the word RashAida people and you will find many documentary on them.. Also Sarah has made the link on this site. Please do give Ethiopia and Eritrea also their due of fine jewelry making.
I love these upper arm bracelets RashAida, not as aggressive.
Also beautiful, and thanks for the information about the Rashaida people. Very interesting.