A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

daily wear and collection

daily wear and collection
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  • the samll one is every light and wearable,i use it everyday  and  never   take off it.even  shower  and  sleep.and the  big  one  i never  wear it.is  a  little strange if a  boy  wear it  and  a  little   heavy .all   of them   r  made  by  myslef.

  • You have obviously choose your elements carefully for they are very beautiful and you have a wonderful eye for color and design.

  • I agree with Patricia: very nice pieces. I especially love the small one - maybe it's the lovely combination of silver coral and turquoise...

  • both beautiful, it is the time of fashion, I suppose, in the times of p.e. Henry the VIII of England men use to wear very elaborate jewellery

  • Nice, I like them both. As a woman, I would want to wear the big one, love the amber pieces which have a beautiful warm colour.

  • lol.yes,thax  guys.in  fact  the  ringal  berber  wedding   necklace   give  a  piece  of  mind.i  am  only  let  them   more  samll  and  more   wearbal.thax  my  old  friend   Betty   and  Patrica.and  hey,Eva,yes!the  big  one is   real    nice  for  a  lady.and    ingrid   Langerk  thax  for  ur  reply,i  know  him,has  a  lot   of    real     nice    jewerly   which  i wanna  them  lol.becuase   am  a   enthic   man  in china,so,whatever,i  love  my  tribe  style    treasures!

  • ohhh   ingrid,sorry  i  misundestand ur   mean,my  enlgish  not  good.

  • Hi Son, what I meant to say is:  in other times it were the men who  had the big jewellery. Now it is slowly coming back that men are starting to wear jewellery again.  Just wear what you feel comfortable with .

    You are doing alright with the english this way you are forcing yourself to use your english and improve your vocabulary. A lovely way to learn more about ethnic jewellery and catch up with the english language.  I love your imput anyway. Gr. Ingrid

  • haha~~thax    Ingrid

  • Lovely necklaces Son - very impressive.

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