A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.
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Are they Ottoman? Really nice!
Thanks Frankie, I don't know. The person I purchased them from said they were "Moroccan" but I can't be sure exactly where they are from.
Hi Zareen,
These don't appear to be Moroccan, The coins look to be Saudi??, and the barrel shaped Amber Ethiopian in style. The granulated beads look Yemeni. A nice sweet combination though.
S x
Classical ottoman earrings, with ottoman coins and pressed amber, all very popular in the ottoman world especially middle east
The construction might be new though.
Yes Sarah, I agreed that they did not look Moroccan, but I liked the combination as well! Thank you ayis for the information!