A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

belt buckle and belt end Yemen

Posting this again , finest work of Yemen Jewish work, hall marks on reverse. great quality collectors piece
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  • I greatly admire this, and have been surprised more than once at the general lack of interest shown in it. Super-duper and beautiful work.

  • the work on this is very tight and very good miniscule actually.   It is also very reasonably priced for the quality.  but perhaps not enough call for wearing belts? !  I should have it made up then would be easier to sell perhaps..

  • Possibly it actually does feel a bit "disunited" this way. It would look good on e.g. velvet, I imagine.

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