A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

belt back

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  • Very well made, and in good taste.

  • It is nice silver , too bad not original belt but it's very wearable at least.  The leather on these old ones gets to be very weak, i have some and am afraid to wear most of the times now.  

  • I think, in the case of belts made of some textile or other, or leather, a good replacement, which is stylistically "correct", uses the right kind of material, and looks good and natural - such as the original owner might approve of - is perfectly acceptable. It is nice if you get a good old one which has both patina and other signs of age and is still reasonably strong. As we would not wear the object, we favour keeping the old belt if it is not in totally hopeless condition, but if it it really ugly with age and about to fall apart anyway we would probably replace. After all, at some stage it would have been replaced within its culture as well.

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