A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

Nubian bracelets

I bought the one on the right as is, and it was advertised as a fibula from North Africa. I bought the one on the left in Essaouira and it had a pin that seemed newer than the rest of it. It was advertised as a Tunisian fibula. I had the pin removed to be used as a bracelet.Both have been confirmed to be Nubian bracelets.
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  • Hi Preethi, lovely pieces!

    I just came across this:


    and have seen other ones  like it before (from Tunisia,maybe Libya too). But the engravings seem very different. How big are yours?

  • Hello Preethi, These are bracelets from Nubia.  I have two myself.  One is posted in my photos, I believe.  Someone must have added the pin.  These are often for very small wrists.

  • 2506031434?profile=originalFrom the type of decoration on both of the pieces, I cannot recognize either of them from Libya. But from their design and shape they look like they were chest pins ' type of fubulae' worn in Libya and Tunisia to hold the dress . I do not see any Tripoli hall mark on any tips of the two pieces which is the case for most pins of this type crafted in Tripoli.

  • 2393359035?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Size and thickness of the two pieces also are important in recognizing whether there were bracelets or pins. If they are pins there should have the type of pin you mentioned for the second one and they should not be very thick and their size ' could  be'  larger than the bracelet size.

  • 2393359559?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024This is a Tunisian type ;quite an old one' , bought from Jerba. The other example below is from Tripoli. Both had the same function as 'Fubulae" different designs different sizes, but both are not as thick as a bracelet.

  • I will vote for "Nubian" cuffs as well. Although there exist a rarer type of Libyan fibulas which fit dimensions and shapes of your pieces Preethi.

    They are way smaller than what Mustapha has shown and are in that respect confusing to those who are not aware of their existence.

    These smaller fibulas do often come with quite a complex pectoral chain system octen with hanging pendants.

    I shall try to find an example and post it here.
  • Thanks everyone for your kind opinions and the wonderful photos. My apologies for not posting information about the size. These are much smaller than the typical Libyan or Tunisian fibula that we see. I wear these as bracelets, and each fits easily in the palm of a hand. I will post a photo later to give some idea of scale.

    No hallmarks on either. These look very similar to images of Nubian bracelets I've come across. However, the one on the left had a pin like a fibula, which threw me off. As you say Hillary, I thought someone may have added a pin later to use as a fibula.

    Alaa, I would love to see images of the smaller fibula you mention.

    Thanks again everyone!

  • If the size of your two pieces fit within the bracelet size,and with their apparent thickness and different styles 'decorations'  from Libya and Tunisian 'Fibulae' then I go along with  Alaa  and Ethnic Embellishments interpretations as not being fibulae with missing pins.

  • It will be nice to see a photo with respect to size. Needless to say that they are both attractive and traditional in their look.

  • 2506031493?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 Here is an example of the smaller Libyan fibulas, they look like your bracelet somehow hence the confusion

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