A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

Rashaida Bracelet Front

Egyptian upper arm bracelet from the 1920s. Probably Rashaida
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  • Assuming this is Egyptian?

  • Yes Patricia,

    This is an Egyptian upper arm bracelet from the 1920s and I believe Rashaida.

  • The engravings are very interesting, are they animals or people or designs? The rashaida attribution is also very interesting, I really know very little of their jewelry and have never seen something like this before -- although people of the Horn wear lots of different kinds of jewelry- some looks Yemeni, some looks like it is from the Gulf and some looks like it is Egyptian. I am really only familiar with the Rashaida veil and heavy bracelets.

  • I really don't know Partircia, to my eyes it looks like palm trees with dates, but it could be something else.

  • The reason I asked about the pattern or engravings is I wondered if it was part of the zar tradition, jewelry which does sometimes portray strange looking animals and people on it which is, in general, unusual for Islamic jewelry. It might be fun to look into the Zar tradition again, so I will look up a bit of it and post it for discussion.

  • Could very well be. I rotated the picture so I could see the forms you see better. This could very well be zar jewelry.

  • I think it may well be. Maybe Sigrid or Rami will get in on this discussion -- I have a few pieces from Iran which I suspect are zar but have never had them verified as such. Rami has a wonderful, wonderful zar bracelet which I covet. I am interested in all things Rashaida so this really does interest. me.

  • nice the way we see things :-)

    i see actualy the fishes and bee or buterfly . inetersting

  • I like the zar jewelry very much, mainly I have seen pendants, would love to own a bracelet like Rami's or this one but  they are very difficult to find.

  • tribal , it is a uterfly isnt ?? i see it also as a buterfly. do you see the swimming fishes and the eggs ?

    what does mean in the indian / pakistan culture ?

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