A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

Headgear – Biga Pomaks / Turkey.

A traditional festive headgear for ‘genç kız’ (= not yet betrothed girls). From the Pomak villages near Biga (Çanakkale prov.), mid-20th c. The cap is adorned with metal sequins, glass beads, metal (imitation) Ottoman coins, (cotton or orlon) pom-poms. Characteristic for the headgear is the lavishly adorned ‘imitation hair’ (black cotton plaits, attached to the back of the hat). (Inv.nr. ba$034 - Kavak Costume Collection - Antwerpen/Belgium).The 'Biga Pomaks’ are Bulgarian Muslims, who emigrated from southern Bulgaria to their actual settlements in the Biga district (Çanakkale province, NW Anatolia) in 1878 (and following years).There is still a large Pomak minority living in Bulgaria nowadays (in the Rhodopes Mountains).
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  • Dear Jean-Marie; Very nice indeed! I just love the colors and workmanship - very special and rare! With kind regards. Peter
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