
  • I second AIT, he said it all

    The calligrahy is made by the bold lines (wires) on every other pyramid

  • It is small calligraphy, one is left, one is right. It writen: ouafa or ouajda
  • Vintage fantasie in silver.  I'd guess from Algeria too.

  • That is interesting, Ait. I know about the calligraphy bracelets but did not see the calligraphy on this one. Can you pinpoint it to a specific country or region of North Africa?

  • It is western production during the french colonie time in northafrica, mostly local samples with a litle changing and adding of feligree caligraphie of names of coutries
    Usualy we find: maghrib, tunis and aldjazair in arabic
    Between 1920 art deco until 1960, later on it continues but much less
    There is actualy last months a quatity of this bracelets in the net

  • I have never seen such here in Morocco( at least in South Morocco)

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